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Watford Care Alliance

Pilot Scheme

Watford Care Alliance began in 2014 as a Prime Minister's Challenge Fund pilot scheme, bringing GP surgeries across the West Hertfordshire area together to improve patient care and service access.


The 11 practices involved in the pilot offer two extended weekday evening sessions, rotating between practices. Upton Road, Sheepcot, Gade, Attenborough and Holywell surgeries provide rotating weekend 'hubs', alongside Bridgewater House which acts as a permanent 'hub'.

The permanent Bridgewater House hub also provides a focal point for a weekend Phlebotomy (blood-test) service and the Integrated Health and Social Care Team Doctor. WCA Patients can be referred by their GPs for a blood test appointment at the weekend with a Nurse or Health Care Assistant. The Integrated Health and Social Care Team Doctors works with Rapid Response to give patients as-needed additional care and support to four nursing homes through innovative telemedicine triage consultations, preventing avoidable hospital admissions.

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Extended GP Access

Weekday access: Evening appointments from 18:30-19:40 at two rotating practices.

Weekend access: Saturday from 09:00 - 12:30 and 15:00 - 18:30 and Sunday from 09:00-12:30 at Bridgewater House and one other rotating WCA GP surgery hub location.

Phlebotomy Service

The Phlebotomy service offers blood test appointments at Bridgewater House hub, giving extended access to patients.


Weekend access: Saturday 15:00-17:30 with a Health Care Assistant and Sunday 09:00-12:00 with a Nurse.

This service reduces GP pressures and provides blood spinning weekend service.

Integrated Health & Social Care Team

The Integrated Health and Social Care Team provides a 7 day 12 hour over-night hospice at home palliative care service. The IHSCT is designed to quickly triage patients, with an IHSCT Doctor working alongside Rapid Respons, social care experts and care home staff to support patients and reduce hospital admissions.

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